Professional Training & Coaching

Practical Skills solutions

Career success requires fundamental thinking and writing skills. Attorneys and professionals struggle when they don’t embrace skills valued by employers and clients. Instead, they assume that hard work and subject matter expertise will advance their careers. That’s wrong. It takes unique abilities to serve as a trusted advisor, compelling advocate, and business generator.

Lawrite Consulting is training a new generation of practice-ready professionals. Productivity thrives when analytical thinking is married to logical, unambiguous, and concise writing. Long before most schools recognized the value of practical skills development, we were training attorneys and non-legal professionals problem solving, writing, project management, client service, and professional identity formation. Our training builds self-directed learning skills that ensure long-term success.  

Educating professionals consumes scarce business resources. Employers often struggle to find in-house staff with sufficient time, interest, or teaching skills. Or they’re frustrated by practitioners who recycle common style "tips" without regard to learning strategies, structural considerations, or style conventions. Employers are left wanting for cost-efficient solutions that satisfy busy, skeptical decision makers.

Teaching expertise drives the learning process. More than 25 years of experience training students, attorneys, and professionals proves that progress is achieved by promoting process-oriented techniques over theory. That, combined with active learning exercises, generates skills valued by employers.

We offer workshop and individual coaching solutions for attorneys, professionals, interns, and clerks. Contact us to request sample workshop agendas.

  • Writing - build advanced skills in critical thinking; analytical problem solving; the writing process; structural paradigms; rule explanation and synthesis; strategic fact applications; style conventions for precision, clarity, and brevity; and revision techniques.

  • Project Management - develop techniques to complete projects on time and in a cost-efficient manner, including taking and completing assignments, information and time management skills, resource utilization, seeking and using feedback, and teamwork building strategies.

  • Client Service - improve trust, reliability, and loyalty with responsive communications, client-centric problem-solving, and respect for industry practices.

  • Professional Identity Development - target career goals by assessing existing skills, discovering valued competencies, planning for success, pursuing skills growth, and engaging in strategic business development activities.

  • Feedback & Assessment - adopt techniques to develop a self-directed, skills growth mindset.

Our individual coaching services resolve specific skills issues. That begins by diagnosing strengths and weaknesses. From there, we target user-friendly improvement strategies.

Consider Lawrite Consulting when exploring training opportunities for your professionals. We accommodate your training needs, budgetary constraints, and schedules. Training is conducted live or by video conference, and we are available to travel.